Elna Vedic

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How is a personal astrology reading different from the horoscopes you see in magazines?

Personal astrology readings are highly individualised and based on the precise details of your birth, offering deeper insights and guidance. Magazine horoscopes, on the other hand, are general and entertaining, but they lack the depth, personalization, and accuracy of a personal astrology reading. It's important to approach both with a critical mindset, recognising that astrology is a belief system and not a science.

2. What is the difference between Western and Vedic Astrology?

Vedic astrology has its own unique methods and calculations that differ from western astrology. While both systems use the zodiac signs, they interpret them and the positions of celestial bodies differently. Vedic astrology uses moon signs whilst western astrology uses sun signs.

3. How can a vedic astrology reading help me?

Vedic astrology is an ancient system of astrology that has its roots in the Vedas, the sacred texts of India. It is able to provide insights into various aspects of your life, including your personality, relationships, career, and more, based on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of your birth. Here's how Vedic astrology can help you:

1. Relationship compatibility: Vedic astrology is often used to assess the compatibility between individuals in romantic, business, or familial relationships. It can help you understand the dynamics of your relationships and make choices that lead to more harmonious and fulfilling connections.

2. Timing and forecasting: Vedic astrology can be used for predictive purposes, helping you anticipate and prepare for significant life events or challenges. Astrologers can provide insights into auspicious times for starting new ventures, getting married, or making important decisions.

3. Health and well-being: Astrology can also be used to assess your overall health and potential vulnerabilities based on the positions of celestial bodies. This information can be used as a complementary approach to holistic health and well-being.

4. Spiritual growth: Vedic astrology is often intertwined with spirituality and can guide individuals on their spiritual journeys. It can provide insights into your spiritual path, meditation practices, and methods for personal growth.

4. Can I Ask Specific Questions During the Reading?

It is best to highlight any questions your may want answered when booking a consultation, so Elna can keep this in mind when preparing your chart reading.

5. Why Is Having The Exact Birth Time So Important When Casting A Chart?

It is impossible to create a person's chart without knowing their birth time. One can understand this with the example that year of birth is like city name, date of birth is like street name, and the time of birth is like house number. If the house number is not given one can reach very near to it, but will not be able to enter in the home.

6. What Is My Vedic Birth Chart?

Your Vedic birth chart shows the relationship between your life and the Universe, your connection to the Cosmos, and your Dharma. It is essentially a map of your karmas and a mirror of your soul's destiny in this lifetime. Vedic Astrology is the only method that allows this link to be expressed in cycles of time. This system provides a way to forecast future trends and occurrences related to health, career, finances, family, relationships, and spiritual progress.
The ancient Indian texts known as the Vedas state that our current life and the next one we live will be shaped by our former lives' good or bad deeds, or Karma.
Based on a worldwide religion, Vedic Astrology holds that the soul travels through many bodies in search of greater.

7. What Are Vedic Remedies?

Numerous particular Vedic treatments, known as Upayes, can be employed to mitigate the effects of our difficult karma. These remedies include mantras, meditation, yoga, yantras, fasting, diet, herbs, charity, service, worship, and prayer. In addition, certain astrological flaws and challenging karma, such as health issues, can be relieved by particular Vedic rites (pujas and yagyas) and gem stones.

Important Upcoming Festivals and Fasts






Skanda Sashti


Gita Jayanti


Maha Kumbha Mela

Makar Sankranti


Vasant Panchami